If you are finding the world of dating overwhelming and frustrating, you are certainly not the only one. According to estimations, women tend to go on seven dates before finding “The One”, while men need an average of eight dates to find the right partner.
But how can you make your dating journey more enjoyable and successful? Statistics can help! With the data-backed tips below, you can cut to the chase and find the right someone to date. Let’s dive in!
Assessing Your Dating Goals Can Help Your Narrow Down Your Options
Statistics conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2019 show that at least 30% of Americans have tried online dating at least once. And, today, more than 323 million people are using over 8,000 dating websites and platforms.
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But while the options might seem nearly endless, it is important to keep in mind that, according to research, the dating pool is much smaller than online daters would think. And, in an experiment conducted in 2010, candidates were shown to have an average of 26 possible mates!
Being clear about what you are looking for in a partner and understanding what kind of traits are most important for you can help you narrow down your talent pool and increase your chances of finding a suitable date.
Be Clear About Your Intentions – Especially If You Are Looking for a Forever Partner!
After going on multiple dates, you might be tired of chasing love. But, if you are in the market for a forever partner, not all hope is lost! According to recent surveys, around 22% of newlyweds met their partners through online dating, while 36% met through friends or at work.
But how can you increase your chances of finding your future spouse?
Studies including 1,100 people who got married after finding their partner through a dating app show that being clear on your intentions from the start and setting up the right date can help. In particular, 65% of them report the winning move being a date where the conversation is the main event.
Sticking to First-Date Etiquette Can Go a Long Way
Numbers are clear: over 70% of dating app users have successful first dates. So, what happens after?
There are many reasons why you or your date might not wish to go on follow-up meetings – but make sure this doesn’t happen because of poor manners!
Some first-date etiquette rules to follow according to data include paying for dinner (something which is expected by two-thirds of a study’s respondents) and avoiding talking about politics – although 79% of today’s daters report being comfortable with it!
It’s All About Chemistry
Although a lot is yet to be understood about love, scientists agree that a lot depends on chemical reactions. While you might not be able to control these reactions, there is a lot that you can do to find a more physically and emotionally compatible date.
For example, according to a 2007 study, people who have similar personalities, backgrounds, and goals are more likely to share emotional experiences at similar levels and lead more satisfying relationships.
So, if you are looking for a long-term partner, you might consider ignoring the “opposites attract” advice.
Be Truthful About Yourself
When you are given the choice to create an online dating profile from scratch, it is always too easy to embellish your qualities, hide your flaws, and create a picture-perfect version of yourself.
However, according to 2012 studies by researchers at Washington University, masking your personality and using too much makeup can cause you to come across as more confident and successful – qualities that might seem attractive at first, but wear off quickly!
3 Tips to Succeed with Online Dating
The studies and statistics above can help you navigate the world of dating, but if you are looking to find your match through dating websites, there is a little more to keep in mind.
Choose the Right Dating App
According to recent online dating statistics, online dating is the most popular way for people to look for and meet a spouse. However, today, there are over 5,000 dating sites and apps worldwide, making it all the more difficult to find a compatible partner.
So, where to start? Signing up for free dating sites and assessing the audience of each can help you start scouting for someone to date without commitment.
Once you have found the right app for you, consider investing in “pro” features to take your search a step further.
Spend Time Crafting Your Profile
Creating an online dating profile is more complex and resource-consuming than you’d think – especially given the growing competition on online dating sites!
Luckily, data can help. According to statistics, singles prefer dating profiles with at least four photos, dislike bathroom selfies, and tend to opt for people who appear positive.
If you are looking to include an ice-breaker, mentioning the team you support or the kind of music you like can help you attract like-minded fans!
Put Your Physical and Mental Safety First
Not all dating websites are created equal. And, while some are reputable and trustworthy, some others can expose you to risks such as identity theft, romance scams, and fraudulent activity.
Make sure to make your personal safety a priority while looking for a partner, and stick to online dating platforms that have systems in place to protect you mentally, physically, and financially.
And remember, if you have started to feel like the dating game is taking a toll on your health, be ready to take a step back!
About the Author
Sarilaya Cada is a freelance content writer. She is interested in a wide range of fields, from project management, to education, to engineering.
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