When COVID-19 began spreading throughout the world, many countries declared area-wide lockdowns. As a result, schools were forced to move to online learning platforms. Although it was strange at first, students and teachers alike were able to adjust to the change.
Now, almost two years later, lockdowns are lifting and schools are reopening their doors for in-person learning. Once again, students and teachers are required to adjust to change. While returning to the classroom might leave some relieved, it’s a source of anxiety for many others.
By this point, everyone has adapted to the ‘new normal.’ Learning online has become comfortable and convenient if nothing else.
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Going back to in-person learning comes with a change of routine and environment. Additionally, giving oral presentations and being surrounded by strangers can be nerve-wracking.
It’s normal to feel uneasy about the situation. Thankfully, it’s possible to get back into the hang of things. Here are four tips on how to return to the classroom without a persistent sense of dread.
Anxiety Symptoms
How does someone know they’re anxious? Apart from excessive worrying, they may experience physical symptoms. Being able to identify anxiety is the first step to managing it. Symptoms can manifest as:
- Tight throat
- Excessive sweating
- Restlessness
- Clenched jaw
- Upset stomach
- Muscle aches
- Trembling
4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety
If the anxiety stems from fears surrounding school work, there’s a simple solution. You can order a custom research paper from EssayPro to help shoulder the burden.
And if you are nervous about returning to school physically, keep reading for tips you can apply to your daily life.
1. Ease Into It
As tempting as it is to believe that society hasn’t been affected by the pandemic significantly, the truth is that life is never going back to normal. Daily routines have changed. Public transport that was once flooded with commuters has now put social distancing measures in place making a crowd impossible.
The experiences people have had during the lockdown and the precautions cities have taken in preventing the spread of COVID have changed the way people communicate.
That being said, some of these changes can help people create meaningful post-lockdown lives. Before lockdown, it might have been easy to have a robust social calendar. Hanging out with friends, picking up an extra shift, volunteering, or participating in an afterschool club might have been a natural part of the day.
However, it can easily lead to burnout. More so now, considering the extended period spent in quarantine. Take some time to ease into socializing. Don’t immediately commit to extracurricular activities if it causes anxiety.
2. Use Positive Self-Talk
Positive self-talk is what leads to self-motivation. It’s the inner voice that speaks in an affirming way to comfort, encourage and uplift an individual. While focusing on positive self-talk isn’t easy, especially when things aren’t looking up, it’s a sure way to get in the right mindset.
Use positive self-talk to gear up for attending a class. Think about the benefits of being in a classroom – like the fact that it can make learning more fun. If you talk to yourself in a more positive manner instead of degrading, you’ll feel more confident and at ease.
Leaning on positive thoughts like these, instead of dwelling on the perceived negatives, goes a long way in reducing anxiety.
Positive self-talk is the voice that says “go” when one feels like stopping. It will help you focus on the bright side and remind you that you are capable of doing the impossible.
Many students are not only returning to in-person learning, but they are also moving to a new school. They could be moving from middle school to high school or even attending college for the first time. Their minds are probably swarming with whether they’ll make friends, fit in, or enjoy their classes.
3. The Odds Are: They Probably Will
One of the most helpful ways to reduce anxiety is to think of something exciting.
Instead of focusing on the negative feelings that come with being worried, practice anxiety reappraisal. This is the art of turning feelings of apprehension into anticipation.
A great way to use anxiety reappraisal in reducing worries about going back to school is by creating a list of exciting things to do. What opportunities will be available in school that aren’t available at home? What new experiences could a new grade, or school, have to offer?
Returning to in-person classes could open an exciting new chapter of your college life.
Plan Ahead
Fear of the unknown frequently causes anxiety. This is why people who think too much about the future are usually anxiety-ridden. Not being able to predict what will happen next or address new challenges contributes to a person’s anxiety level. It’s also strongly linked to the fear of change.
Ironically, planning for the future can help you combat anxiety. Knowing what to expect in a situation gives a person a sense of control. By pinpointing potential pitfalls and coming up with viable solutions, anyone can reduce the amount of anxiety they have.
The trick is not to overthink a situation or plan too far ahead into the future.
Students experiencing back-to-school jitters can calm themselves down by reviewing their class schedule, having a mental map of where their classes are, finding out about their teacher ahead of time, and checking if any of their friends have the same schedule.
There’s a lot of tension that comes with going back to the classroom. Things can’t go back to how they were. Students have to get used to a new way of going about their studies.
It’s essential to keep a positive outlook to progress and keep from staying stagnant.
Students have the power to choose their thoughts and control the outcome of their lives. Positive thoughts bring good fortune while negative thoughts breed despair. Both have an effect on quality of life.