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The Importance of Closing the Doors and Windows of the Mind

Closing the Doors and Windows of the Mind

The mind is like a house with wide open windows and doors, with nothing to stop or filter out what comes in.

All thoughts, worries, and fears are free to enter, dwell there, occupy the attention, and disturb the mind. In this situation, there is no control of the mental house and of what goes inside it.

Under these conditions, the mind allows free access to all thoughts, ideas, words, and suggestions from the outside, people, the media, and other sources.

For most people, this is the natural state of affairs. However, some seek a way to close the doors and windows of their mind and prevent unnecessary, useless, or negative thoughts from occupying them and robbing their time and energy.

When you have the key to the doors and windows of your mind, you can prevent unnecessary thoughts and worries from occupying your mind. You will be able to choose when to think and when not to think.

With this ability, you will enjoy inner peace and freedom from worries and anxieties.

Benefits of Closing the Doors and Windows of the Mind

Being able to close the windows and doors of the mind might seem like an impossible to achieve goal. However, with persistence and the proper training, this can be achieved, at least partially. Even a partial ability is a great attainment and is highly rewarding.

My book, Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind talks with this topic and provides ways to close the doors of the mind.

Most people are unaware of the possibility of calming the mind and closing its doors and windows. Even if they knew about this possibility, most would probably only do a little about it since this requires inner work.

Closing the doors and windows of the mind at will can bring many rewards, such as inner peace, better focus, and a sharper mind.

Do not worry, you will not lose your ability to think. On the contrary, your mind will become sharper and more focused.

Being able to close the doors of the mind means mental control and mental mastery. Your focus and inner strength will grow, and so will your ability to choose your thoughts and avoid the thoughts you do not want.

With this ability well-developed, people, events and circumstances will not be able to affect your moods and state of mind. You would stay calm and undisturbed in the various circumstances and situations of your life.

How to Close the Windows and Doors of the Mind

The most important tool for closing the doors and windows of the mind and avoiding negative, unhappy and unnecessary thoughts is concentration, the ability to focus the mind. This gives you mastery over your mind.

As your ability to focus your mind improves, so your ability to prevent unwanted thoughts from accessing your mind increases.

True, this requires effort time, but the rewards are great. Mastering your mind means making a big step toward mastering your life.

There are various ways to this:

All these methods sharpen the concentration, increase inner peace, and improve the ability to control the thinking process.

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The guidance and advice for using the above mentioned methods have already been explained in other articles, and therefore, their is no need to repeat them here.

Here are a few simple tips:

  • Try to think before reacting.
  • Try not to take anything personally.
  • Strive to display detachment in situations that arouse stress or anger.
  • Focus on what you are doing, instead of thinking of something else.
  • Try to be here and now in your mind, not in the past or future.

When you have the key to the doors of the mind, you can stay away from stress and strain, and from worries, restlessness and overthinking.

Recommended Books:

  1. Focus Your Attention
  2. Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind
  3. Inner Peace in the Busy Daily Life
  4. Emotional Detachment for Happier Life
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