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14 Top Meditation Tips and Guidance

Meditation Definition and Guidance

“Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation, it gains strength”.
– Sri Ramana Maharshi

These words, from one of the great spiritual teachers, Sri Ramana Maharshi, define in concise words what it means to meditate.

According to these words, meditation means focusing your mind on one thought and keeping away all other thoughts.

In this article, I would like to offer meditation guidance, meditation tips, and a few definitions.

Let’s start with a few definitions of meditation to clarify what it is and then offer some meditation guidance and tips.

Meditation Definition

How can we define meditation? What does it mean?

  • Meditation is a technique for calming down the mind’s nonstop activity and experiencing inner peace.
  • It is a way to free your mind from constantly nagging thoughts and worries.
  • It is a method for relaxing the body and reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Meditation is a process of going within and experiencing higher awareness.
  • It is a way to go within and become aware of the real I, one’s real essence.

Meditation definition according to Cambridge dictionary:
“The act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed.”

Meditation definition according to Merriam Webster:
“To engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.”

Encyclopedia Britannica says
“Private devotion or mental exercise encompassing various techniques of concentration, contemplation, and abstraction, regarded as conducive to heightened self-awareness, spiritual enlightenment, and physical and mental health.”

Definition according to Wikipedia:
“A practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.”

The Purpose of Meditation

Meditation plays a vital role in many religions and spiritual traditions. People everywhere have been practicing it from ancient times until the present day.

It is not only a technique for relaxing the body, though many practice it for this purpose.

It can also lead to:

  • Inner peace
  • Happiness
  • Mental mastery
  • The ability to silence the mind while staying fully alert
  • Spiritual awakening and enlightenment

Some of the requirements of meditation include inner work, focus, discipline, and patience. It does not matter if you do not possess these skills yet. As you continue meditating, gradually, these skills will awaken in you.

Of course, you can make faster progress if you also devote time each day to increasing focus and discipline by practicing suitable exercises.

Meditation involves learning to control your mind and your attention. This is most valuable for this practice and in every area of life.

The Benefits of Meditation

What are the benefits of meditation? Here are a few of them:

  • It is a practice that calms the body and the mind and conserves energy.
  • This practice reduces stress and anxiety.
  • It normalizes the blood pressure and has a healing effect on the body.
  • This practice improves the focus, and the power of concentration sharpens the mind and awakens the intuition.
  • A regular practice reduces the number of restless thoughts in the mind.
  • You gain inner peace, happiness, and a sense of bliss.
  • You learn to live in the present moment.
  • Its practice improves the emotional and mental health.
  • It can lead to the expansion of consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, and Nirvana.

Rewarding Peace of Mind Quote

Meditation Tips and Guidance

I would like to offer you meditation tips, advice and guidance to improve your meditation skills.

1. Meditate everyday
If you wish to achieve real results, you must meditate every day.

It is best to meditate regularly, even if it is just for a few minutes. Practicing meditation every day will turn this practice into a habit. When it turns into a habit, you will encounter less inner resistance and will need less effort.

Don’t worry if you cannot practice at the same hour every day. Just use the best time for you, and everything will be okay.

2. Keep up a positive attitude
Approach this practice with a positive state of mind. A positive state of mind would help you stay motivated and enthusiastic.

3. When you are tired, get some rest first
Do not meditate when you are tired. When tired, it is difficult to focus your attention, and you might fall asleep. It is better to rest first. That’s one of the reasons that the early morning is a good time since you are refreshed after a night’s sleep.

4. Find a quiet place
Meditate in a quiet place where you can be undisturbed. It should be a meditative space free of noises and distractions.

Conversations you hear while meditating, street and car noises, TV and the radio, your smartphone, all of them can disturb your focus.

5. A comfortable position
Sit in a comfortable position with your spine erect.

You can sit on the floor, on a cushion, or in a chair. You don’t need to sit cross-legged unless you find it convenient. Do what you find most convenient and comfortable.

The important thing is to keep your body as comfortable as possible and with your back straight. There is absolutely no need to sit in a difficult and uncomfortable position that tenses your body and disturbs your focus.

When you feel physical sensations, such as itching, strive to stay as calm as possible.

6. Deep breathing
After sitting down, take a few slow, deep breaths while focusing on your breath.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply a few times would calm your mind and body.

Breathe slowly in, hold your breath briefly, and then exhale slowly. There is no need for complicated breathing techniques.

7. Relaxation
Relax your body.

Pay attention to your body and calm down each tensed muscle.

Start from your feet and up to your head. Focus on each part of your body, paying attention to how tense it is and then relaxing it.

More Tips and Guidance for Meditation

8. Use your imagination
A few moments before you start meditating, bring a memory of a pleasant event to your awareness. You can also imagine being in a place where you feel calm and relaxed. This would help you relax.

9. Think about the benefits
For a few moments, think about the benefits of meditation. Think about how it will strengthen your focus, calm your mind, and ease your stress and tension.

10. Resolve to disregard distracting thoughts
Before you sit down to meditate, tell your mind firmly that all thoughts will have to wait until you finish. Be clear about this.

11. Keep your mind focused
Stay calm physically, mentally, and emotionally, and keep a state of focused attention. Whenever your mind wanders away, bring it back.

The more focused the attention is, the easier it is to ignore thoughts and distractions. This might not be easy, but it would become easier with perseverance.

12. Do not tense your body
Strive not to tense your body. If you feel that tenseness is increasing within your body, stop for a moment and relax your body.

13. Cultivate patience and perseverance
Continue despite difficulties and inconvenience. Some patience and self-discipline are useful.

14. Time
Ten minutes of practice is quite enough for a beginner. As you gain experience and expertise, you may increase the time.

Online Meditation Course

There are many forms of meditation, such as guided meditation, mindfulness, transcendental, walking, and mindfulness meditations, to name a few. Try some of these meditative practices to find the most suitable.

I hope you find this short meditation guidance is helpful to you.

Books that include meditation guidance:
Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind
Emotional Detachment for Happier Life

Image source – DepositPhotos

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