One of the most important features, as well as challenges of a student is motivation. All people need motivation to keep up with their daily tasks and obligations, but, for a student, the need to be constantly motivated is enhanced.
In order to build a good career for yourself, you need to be consistent with your academic efforts. To do so, you need to be motivated not only to choose your field of study, but to actually finish your day-to-day tasks in time.
In spite of knowing this, most students aren’t thrilled about their academic obligations.
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There’s probably not a single student in the world who hasn’t felt lack of motivation to get up for class or do his homework. For most students, this is an almost every day experience.
The tiredness and pressure can make you lose your motivation to study. Thankfully, there’s such a thing as self motivation, which means that you are the one responsible for your productivity and success.
Back when I studied in an Australian university, I’ve learned the four essential habits that boost the motivation. Here they are.
4 essential habits to Boost Motivation
1. Change the Perspective
None of the motivational tricks and tips will ever work unless you change your perspective toward learning or finishing projects.
Seeing how students learn a variety of subjects and work on versatile projects to build several skills they’ll need in life, it is only natural that you won’t be interested in every topic you come across.
Even so, you’ll still have to study that topic or write a paper on it. Therefore, the best answer I can give you to the question how to get motivated is simply to accept this as something beneficial to you.
Even if you don’t like math, the skill you’ll obtain by studying will serve you a lot in life. Those who don’t like writing, see their written homework as a torture, but writing is a crucial skill to succeed in today’s world.
The sooner you change your perspective, the more willing you’ll be to do your assignments.
2. Focus on Your Areas of Interest
You can’t love every subject you’re studying. It is unnatural and no one does. But, while you have to work on all your skills and study for all subjects, you can focus most of your efforts on the things you love. After all, pursuing something you love is the best thing you can do for your future career.
Don’t slack off in terms of other subjects, but try to turn your favorite area of study into your hobby. Research the field, get involved in it, and simply build a healthy study habit by using your area of interest.
If you do this often, you’ll be more productive to study. Focusing on the things you love can keep you productive and build a fine study habit for you, which is something that will keep you in the mood when you have to study for the other subjects.
3. Reward Yourself for a Job Well Done
Even the smallest accomplishment can give you a sense of satisfaction. The goal of every student is to graduate, but, to get there, you need more than just one big goal.
Give yourself small goals to keep you motivated to work on them. When you are finished with a task successfully, reward yourself for it. It doesn’t have to be anything big. A night out with friends, some time in front of the TV watching your favorite TV show, or a day spent with family – every idea you like is good enough.
If a big project gave you a lot of trouble, but you finally made it through, you deserve your reward. You can pay EduBirdie to do your assignment in a subject you don’t really like, and spend the day doing what you like most.
4.Get Some Support
There are plenty of places where you can get support and motivation. Work with your friends and peers, ask others for help, and look for motivation in different places. When you lose focus from your studies, a bit of a competition will keep you running.
Ask your teachers for help, find and hire a professional, or simply tell your family that you feel exhausted. Having support is crucial during busy times such as your student years.
The constant workload and academic pressure can cause tiredness and overwhelm in every student. To keep yourself motivated to finish your studies and perform well, you need these motivation tips and tricks. Try to practice them throughout your education.
About the Author
Emma Rundle is a science professor at an Australian college. She’s been working as an educator for over a decade, which makes her highly experienced in teaching students of different ages and keeping them productive. According to Rundle, the best tools for students today are motivation and technology.