Category » Law of Attraction

Can You Really Attract Into Your Life Anything You Want?

Attracting What You Want

  • Can you attract into your life anything you want?
  • Can you really use the power of your thoughts and imagination to create what you want?
  • Does the law of attraction really work?
  • Are all the claims of people who write and teach about the law of attraction true?

If you followed the instructions in books or articles about the law of attraction, you might have sometimes succeeded in manifesting goals.

It is also possible that you succeeded only partially or not at all. This might have caused you to quit this subject with a feeling of disappointment.

Why Some People Succeed to Attract What They Want, and Some Don’t?

If the law of attraction is a law of nature, why does it sometimes work and sometimes doesn’t? Can you really attract anything into your life that you want?

The answer is simple.

  • Not every article or book provides the necessary instructions for correctly using the law of attraction.
  • People tend to skip instructions.
  • It is not enough just to visualize what you want. You must also have a strong desire and an open mind to recognize opportunities and have the courage and willingness to use these opportunities.
  • How many times have you thought about a certain object or situation that you wanted but didn’t really want it? The law of attraction, which is one of the fundamentals of creative visualization and manifesting, requires some work and action on your part. It is not enough just to think about your goal for a few minutes and then wait for miracles to happen.

Not Everyone Aspires for Great Success

There is another point you should be thinking about.

Even though most people want to be rich, how many really and truly want to be very rich and have a rich lifestyle?

How many would accept all the responsibilities and activities that this entails?

Subconsciously, people are often afraid to be rich, due to negative mental programming.

  • Do you really want to have billions of dollars?
  • Can you really manage this sum of money?
  • Let’s leave aside lotteries, where will the money come from?

If you visualize a lot of money, and really believe you can have it, how is it going to arrive? It might arrive by following your dreams and goals and by making plans and carrying them out. You might be offered a new job, or an opportunity might pop up. However, you will need to be ready to take action.

Great amounts of money are made through business, but not everyone is qualified for business, or wants to make business.

How visualizing a lot of money, but taking no action, is going to bring it to you?

Every accomplished goal and dream bring responsibilities, change your lifestyle, and require certain actions, certain tasks, and certain skills.

You need first to think and decide if you are willing and able to take these responsibilities, and whether you have the skills.

Of course, if you don’t have the skills, but your desire is strong, you can always develop the necessary skills.

The law of attraction and creative visualization do work, but you have to use common sense when using them.

Making the Law of Attraction Work for You

To attract the things you want you need to:

  • Be sure that you really want what you are visualizing.
  • Have a strong desire.
  • Visualize several times a day.
  • Treat this subject earnestly, and be willing to invest the necessary time and energy.
  • Not all books are equal, and not all give you all the necessary steps. You will need to read several books to understand this subject.
  • In the beginning, choose small, simple, everyday goals, and only when you get experience and faith try to do bigger things.
  • It is a good idea to imagine yourself in the situation you want to create, before starting to work on it, and ask yourself if you really want it, and whether you feel comfortable in this situation.

Take action, when action is required. Don’t just visualize and forget about it, thinking that you don’t have to do anything.

Creative visualization and the law attraction can sometimes work in miraculous ways, but in many cases, you will be required to act.

If you are too lazy, or expect miracles, with no effort on your part, you might lead yourself to disappointment.

Look at the successful people in the world, do they just dream, or do they also act, strive, and work to make their dreams and goals come true?

Many articles and books were written about this topic, some useful, and some less useful.

Browse through this website, you will find many articles on this subject, as well as the book Manifest and Achieve Whatever You Want, where you can find clear explanations, written in a simple language.

The book focuses on practical information, showing step-by-step what to do and how. It is a textbook teaching how to use creative visualization to attract into your life what you want.

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