How to Visualize Mental Images

Mental Images

Why do you need to to visualize mental images? You need this skill for any kind of creative work, for making plans, and for using creative visualization and the law of attraction.

If you visit this website regularly, you must have found that more than a few articles about creative visualization and the law of attraction.

What Is Creative Visualization in a Nutshell?
It is a mental tool for making your dreams and desires come true. It uses the imagination the subconscious mind and the law of attraction. It can help you change habits, shape your life, and attract success.

I am not going to go into the “how” and why” of this subject in this article since you can find many articles about creative visualization at this website.

How to Visualize Mental Images

In this article, I am addressing the subject of how to visualize mental images.

Visualizing mental images and adding imagined sounds, tastes, etc., make your mental image clear and very realistic. This of course, enhances its effect on your subconscious mind, which in turn, affects your attitude, behavior and actions, and consequently, the measure of the success you achieve.

There are various ways to train your mind to visualize clear mental images.

Below, you will find two exercises to enhance this skill. If you are interested to learn more about how to visualize, and how to develop this ability, I recommend that you read the chapter about visualization, in the book Manifest and Achieve.

How to Visualize – Exercise 1

Take a small object, such as a glass, a spoon, or a fruit, and look at it for a few moments.

Now, close your eyes and try to visualize the object as clearly as you can, without opening your eyes, for as long as you can, even if it is only for a few seconds at first.

When the image gets blurred, or you forget it, open your eyes, look at the object for a few seconds, and then close your eyes and continue to see it in your mind.

Endeavor to arrive at one minute of clear visualization. One minute without forgetfulness and being distracted is quite an achievement.

How to Visualize – Exercise 2

Take a photograph of natural scenery, but not with too many details.

Put the photograph in front of you, and look at it for a few moments, trying to see and remember all the details.

When ready, close your eyes and visualize the scenery in the photograph.

As in the previous exercise, when the image gets blurred, or you forget it, open your eyes, look at the photograph for a few seconds, and then close your eyes and continue visualizing it.

Try focus on the mental image, for at least one complete minute.

After you get the skill to visualize for one minute, gradually, lengthen the time to five minutes.

A Few Final Words

If you have tried to visualize, but did not get results, it might be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Lack of focus.
  • The inability to pinpoint the mind on one single thought for more than a few seconds.
  • Mental laziness.
  • Lack of persistence.
  • Not following the basics of visualization.
  • Your imagination requires some training

With some training you can improve your ability to visualize clear mental images.

Answer the following questions:

  • Do you daydream?
  • Can you remember how people you know look?
  • Do you think situations that happened to you in the past?
  • Do make plans for the future?

If you do, and I am sure you do, you can visualize. The mental image might be hazy and unclear, but this can be improved by training your imagination.

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