How to keep your head above water when you face problems and difficulties?
You have probably asked yourself many times how to survive when there are financial problems and how to keep your head above water and stay there.
Positive thinking and visualization are good solutions, but the problem is that when you are in a difficult financial situation and when there is a shortage of money, it is not so easy to think positively.
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In such times, worries keep popping up in your head, especially when you see the bills piling up in front of you.
So what can you do? Things would probably not change overnight. There is a way out, but it requires patience and persistence. You will need to learn to replace your worries and negative thinking with positive thinking.
It is not easy to think positively when you are in a difficult situation if you have not trained yourself to think positively.
It does not mean that you should not try. On the contrary, do your best, no matter how negative your thoughts are.
It is much better and wiser to teach yourself positive thinking regularly and in good times, not just when facing difficulties.
You will encounter less inner resistance, and it will be easier to maintain a positive state of mind when you encounter difficulties when you train yourself to do so.
It would be great if it were possible to teach a positive attitude from an early age.
How to Keep Your Head Above Water?
How to Keep your head above water and keep it there?
Someone has recently asked me:
“It feels like my life has been on a downward spiral. I struggle to keep my head above water financially, and just as things seem to get back in line something else happens.
I realize that the most obvious answer is to stop worrying, but it’s not that easy when you see the bills in front of you, and you have no idea how to cover them.”
Here is what I replied:
“Will it help you if you keep worrying? No, it won’t. However, it is not so easy to stop worrying, especially, as you say, you see the bills in front of you.
- Everyday, devote a few minutes thinking about the futility of worrying. You waste energy and time, which you could have used for doing more constructive things.
- Keep thinking about the uselessness of worrying at different times of the day.
- Every time you start worrying about money, visualize yourself having the money to pay your bills.
- Try to be a little emotionally detached when you see the bills.
You will eventually have to pay your bills, but worries will not pay them. It is enough that you suffer financially, so why suffer emotionally and mentally too?
You may not easily change the situation, but you can, with constant inner work, change your attitude.
As your attitude changes, as you become more relaxed and detached (not indifferent) you will feel better, happier and lighter. When this happens, circumstances will start to improve, and opportunities will begin to knock on your door.
Remember, thinking about your problems will not solve your problems. The more you think of them with a negative state of mind, the bigger they will be and the stronger the feelings of helpless would get.
Some Suggestions for Keeping Your Head Above Water
Acknowledge your problems and don’t sweep them under the carpet, but approach them with a positive attitude, and with the belief that you can find a way to solve them.
If you indulge in self-pity, think how unlucky you are, envy others and become angry, you will suffer.
Being positive does not mean ignoring your situation. It means looking for ways to rise above it.
A positive attitude is most essential for solving financial problems. It helps you keep an open mind, energizes you, and helps you recognize opportunities.
You can get your head above the water and keep it there when you experience financial problems or any other sort of problems. To do so, you need to:
1. Change your attitude and how you think.
2. Stop being passive.
3. Stop thinking negative thoughts.
4. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
5. Focus on the good things in your life.
6. Think about solutions.
7. Take action.
There are various tools you can use for this, and you can learn about them here, at this website.
Among the tools I recommend to use are creative visualization, affirmations, willpower and self-discipline.
You can find here many articles about these topics, with advice and guidance, as well as books.