How do you start your day? Do you begin your day with happiness, joy, sadness, or anger?
How you start your day can affect the rest of your day. You can bring happiness into your life by doing small, simple things in the morning that will boost your happiness.
Changing situations or people is not always possible, but you can change your attitude toward them and how you feel about them. You can plan what to expect, what to do, and how to start your day. This would improve your life and bring you more happiness and satisfaction every day.
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Starting your day with happiness sets the mood for the day. If you encounter problems or difficulties, which is most likely, or stress starts building up, remember the joy you felt in the morning.
How to start your day with happiness? Continue reading to find out.
10 Tips to Help You Start Your Day with Happiness
1. Wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual. This will give you some free time in the morning and reduce the rush and the stress.
2. After waking up, sit on your bed and repeat in your mind several times the following sentences, “Today is a wonderful day. Today is a great day. I am going to enjoy a lot of happiness today”.
Forget your problems while repeating these words.
3. Begin your day expecting a great and wonderful day.
Awaken within you the belief of having a wonderful day, even if you cannot see how this will happen.
Most people let their circumstances dictate what to think, feel, and expect. You can reverse this process. Choose your thoughts and feelings, regardless of what happens in your life. Eventually, if you persevere, your life will change accordingly.
4. Find a few minutes to stretch and exercise your body in the morning.
5. Eat breakfast before you go to work. If you get up a little earlier, you will have the time to prepare breakfast before going to work. When you are not hungry, you feel better and happier.
Additional Tips Start Your Day with Happiness
6. Find at least a few minutes to listen to your favorite music in the morning. You can do so while dressing up, preparing breakfast, eating, or on the way to work.
7. Devote a few moments to reading some inspiring quotes before leaving home. You can find many inspiring quotes at the quotes directory, here, at this website.
8. Get out of home a little earlier than usual. This will reduce the stress of being late to work. You will not have to run to the bus, feel stressed and nervous in traffic jams, or arrive at work tired and irritated.
9. Smile more often, even for no apparent reason. Smiling will make you feel better. However, smile naturally and politely, but do not overdo it. You will be surprised at how this will affect the people around you and how they treat you. When you smile, people around you will feel happier and become kinder and more helpful.
10. Do some small acts that will make you feel happy every day, like talking with one of your friends, walking in the park, buying a slice of cake on the way to work, or buying a gift for your husband, wife, or child.
Other activities could be reading a book when you return home from work or going to the gym in the afternoon or evening.
Starting your day with happiness can fill your whole day with happiness.
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn
“Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.”
– Valerie Bertinelli