Some time ago, I received an email from one of the website’s visitors asking whether creating world peace through visualization is possible.
It would be great to visualize world peace and make it come true. It would be great to project positive thoughts to the world and produce positive results.
But is this possible?
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Your thoughts are not stronger than the total thoughts of the people on this planet. If that was true, You could have brought peace to the world.
Can the thoughts of a single person change the negativity of the thoughts of all people in the world? The total mental energy of all people on Earth is stronger of the mental power of one person.
Thoughts and World Peace
The energy of all the thoughts that the people on the planet think affects the world. However, as long as most of the population does not think about world peace, does not visualize it, and does not desire it strongly, the effect will not be strong enough.
The thoughts of a small percentage of the population can change the world to some extent, but to affect the entire planet, more people need to visualize world peace. One or a few people’s thoughts are not strong enough to affect the world.
There are a lot of negative thoughts in the world created by almost everyone.
Anger, resentment, hate, lack of satisfaction, and unhappiness, all create negative thoughts and negative energy.
To make a change in the world, a great number of people should think positively to neutralize these thoughts and substitute them with positive ones.
A great number of people thinking and focusing on world peace can generate much positive energy, more potent than the energy generated by one individual or a small group of people.
You must acknowledge that thoughts of different kinds oppose and weaken each other and can neutralize each other’s power.
The strength of the total power generated depends on the positive power generated, less negative powers that oppose it.
If one person visualizes world peace for twenty minutes a day, and billions of others think the opposite or don’t believe peace is possible, the positive power generated would be pretty small and ineffective.
Attaining Inner Peace
It would be wiser and more effective if you first create peace in your own life. When you have peace, your peace will affect the world near you and people around you.
You need to create peace within you before attempting to create peace around you.
How can you produce peace if you don’t live in peace with yourself and are easily irritated and angered?
You first need to taste peace yourself and have it in your world before being able to affect the external world.
You first need to bring peace into your own life, mind and actions before you are able to project peace into the world.
How to attain inner peace? There are various ways to do so.
- Practicing positive thinking
- Using the power of visualization
- Practicing concentration exercises
- Practicing meditation
Positive thinking, visualization, concentration, and meditation are great tools to secure real and lasting results. With their help, you will be in a better position to bring peace to the world, even if it means only to the world around you, your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
This kind of peace can strongly affect your environment and anyone who comes in contact with you.
By learning to calm down your restless and anxious thinking and impose peace on your mind, you will be less affected by anxieties, worries, and negative thinking, and would attain inner peace.
Another practical source for attaining inner peace is my book Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind.
Peace Starts from within You
To bring peace to your environment you first need to live in peace with yourself and the world. The more peaceful you are, the more calmness you will experience, which will affect the people around you.
Work on calming your mind, and making peace of mind a habit. This will be an important contribution to peace.
If you are angry, resentful, stressed and unhappy, how can you project positive and harmonious vibes to the world? If your thoughts are not calm and happy, how can they bring peace to the world?
It would be a good step to bring peace to your mind first. This peace will affect the close world around you, even without visualizing peace.
Should you visualize world peace? Do so, if your thoughts are pure, calm and focused. It will still have some affect. You might not be aware of it, but some positive energy will be produced.
Thinking positive thoughts and visualizing positive outcomes is always better than focusing on negativity. When you create peace and positive energy inside you, you will surely affect the world in some way, even if this is just a minor or negligible affect.