Focus on the Positive Avoid the Negative

How to Focus on the Positive and Avoid the Negative

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr Some people see the positive in a situation, and others see the negative. It is all about the point of view. For one person, something might be pleasant, but for the other, it …

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A Better Life Starts in the Mind

The Secret to a Good Life Starts in the Mind

Life can be good and happy. The secrets to a good life start in the mind. It depends on your thoughts and attitude. Positive attitude plays a major part in how you live your life, and how satisfied and happy you are. However, it is not easy to always maintain …

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Positive Thinking in Difficult Times

You Need Positive Thinking in Difficult Times

It is easier to feel positive when everything goes well, but real positive thinking is revealed when you can maintain a positive attitude in difficult times. It is then that you need it most. You can believe that you will not break when facing difficulties and obstacles. You can believe …

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Why Positive Thinking Is Not Working

Reasons Why Positive Thinking Is Not Working

People often ask me why positive thinking does not work for them. Here is an email message I have received recently: “I’ve been trying this whole positive thinking thing for about 2 years now with no results. Things actually seen to be getting worse. “I’m up to my neck in …

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