Enlightenment and spiritual awakening are two concepts that have been explored by numerous philosophical and spiritual traditions throughout human history.
The concept of enlightenment has its roots in the Eastern spiritual traditions, particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
The concept of spiritual awakening, on the other hand, has been explored by many Western spiritual traditions.
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Both of these concepts have been the subject of much debate, discussion, and exploration throughout history. They have also been interpreted and understood in many different ways.
From the Non-dualistic point of view, enlightenment and spiritual awakening are essentially the same thing. Nondualism is a philosophical and spiritual perspective that emphasizes the unity of all things and the essential oneness of the universe.
According to this perspective, the universe is not made up of separate and distinct objects or entities but is rather a single, indivisible whole.
This oneness is often described as the “ground of being” or the ultimate reality that underlies all existence.
In the Non-Dualistic perspective, enlightenment and spiritual awakening are understood as the realization of this essential oneness.
This realization is often described as a shift in consciousness. In this shift, the individual transcends their ego and experiences a sense of unity with all things.
This shift in consciousness is often referred to as a “mystical experience” and is often described as a profound and life-changing event.
Related: What Is the Ego – The Illusion of the Ego.
Nondualism: Peeling Away Layers of Illusion
One of the key elements of the non-dualistic perspective is the understanding that the individual’s sense of self is ultimately an illusion. This illusion is created by the individual’s identification with their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.
According to the nonduality perspective, the true self is not the individual’s ego but rather the essential oneness that underlies all existence.
The realization of this essential oneness is often described as a process of “uncovering” or “unveiling” the true nature of reality.
This process is often likened to peeling away layers of illusion or ignorance, until the essential oneness of the universe is revealed.
Realization of Enlightenment from the Non Dualistic Perspective
Moreover, from the Non dualistic perspective, the realization of enlightenment and spiritual awakening is not something that is reserved for a select few, but is available to all beings. This is because the essential oneness of the universe is not something that can be attained through external means, but is already present within each individual.
However, the realization of this essential oneness may be hindered by various factors such as ignorance, attachment, and egoic tendencies.
The path towards enlightenment and spiritual awakening often involves a process of self-inquiry and self-transformation, in which the individual works to overcome these obstacles and uncover the true nature of reality.
Many spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, are aimed at cultivating the qualities of self-awareness, compassion, and wisdom that are necessary for this process of self-transformation.
These practices help to quiet the mind and cultivate a sense of inner stillness, allowing the individual to become more attuned to the present moment and the underlying unity of all things.
The realization of enlightenment and spiritual awakening is not limited to any particular religion or spiritual tradition.
While different traditions may use different language or methods to describe this experience, the essential realization of oneness is the same across all cultures and traditions.
Related: What is nonduality?
How to Apply the Nondualistic Perspective Everyday Life
Here are some examples of how the nondualistic perspective can be applied to everyday life and spiritual practice:
Cultivating Self-Awareness
Recognize and accept, at least in theory, that the sense of self is ultimately an illusion. The nondualistic perspective encourages cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness, by looking at your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations from a more detached point of view.
This can be done through practices such as meditation and mindfulness.
A Sense of Interconnectedness
The realization of the essential oneness of the universe naturally leads to a sense of interconnectedness.
Overcoming Attachment
At some point, inspirants on the spiritual path realize that attachment is a hindrance to spiritual awakening. This often leads them to work toward overcoming their attachment to material possessions, to people, and to events.
This involves a process of letting go and living in the present, not in the past and nor in the future.
Related: What Does Emotional Attachment Mean?
Embracing Impermanence
The Non-dualistic perspective emphasizes the impermanence of all things.
This can lead to a viewpoint of detachment, but at the same time participating in life, not withdrawing from it.
Approach life with detachment, but also, at the same time, with a sense of curiosity and openness, and appreciating each moment as it arises.
Engaging in Self-Inquiry
Engaging in self-inquiry can help you realize the essential oneness of the universe.
Ask yourself the question “who am I”, and let your intuition, not your mind, lead you to the answer.
We have written an article on this topic, titled How to Practice Self-Inquiry Meditation.
Reading about the Teachings of Spiritual Teachers
It would be a good idea to study the teachings of various spiritual traditions, exploring the nature of consciousness, or reflecting on the mysteries of existence.
Reading about the teachings of spiritual teachers about nonduality is most recommended. Some of the leading teachers about this topic are Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Papaji
Overall, the Non-dualistic perspective offers a unique and profound approach to spiritual awakening and enlightenment, emphasizing the essential oneness of the universe and the interconnectedness of all beings.
This recognition may involves a process of self-transformation, in which the you work to overcome the obstacles of ignorance and attachment, and cultivate the qualities of self-awareness, compassion, and wisdom.
By recognizing the illusion of the sense of self, cultivating self-awareness, overcoming attachment, embracing impermanence, and engaging in inquiry, you can deepen your understanding of the true nature of reality and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.