Here is our collection of emotional detachment quotes.
What does emotional detachment mean?
- It is the ability to stay calm and poised in difficult and stressful situations.
- The skill of preventing negative emotions and thoughts from disturbing your moods and state of mind.
- It means the ability to set boundaries and not allow people, words, and emotions to disturb you.
Emotional detachment also means letting go of the past, thinking without bias, and dealing with problems and difficulties calmly without becoming agitated or stressed.
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We hope you will find these emotional detachment quotes useful in your everyday life and during difficult times.
Emotional Detachment Quotes
Quotes to help you realize what emotional detachment means.
“Emotional detachment is a simple and effective way to maintain your poise in a stressful environment and around taxing people.”
“Detachment is not indifference. It means not getting entangled with the anxiety and fears of other people.”
“Emotional detachment is a way to maintain your sanity and poise in a stressful environment.”
“Being detached means not getting attached to old thinking, bad memories, hurts and resentments.”
“If you wish to experience real freedom, you need to stop getting involved with every thought and emotion that pops up.”
“Be the master of your thoughts and emotions, not the other way around.”
“Watch the thoughts that pass your mind without getting involved with them, following them, or allowing them to disturb your inner peace.”
“Stop taking things in a personal way, forgive yourself and others, and strive to live in the present. This will make you free, calm, and happy.”
“When you choose to let go of unhappy past events and stop dwelling on fears and worries, you choose happiness.”
“Positive emotional detachment is not a state of indifference or passivity, and does not mean lack of interest or lack of feelings.”
“You can be loving, caring, interested in people, and yet keep a certain measure of detachment. This would protect you from becoming too attached for your own good or emotionally drained by negative people.”
“True detachment does not mean alienating yourself from other people. You can be helpful and understanding while keeping healthy boundaries and staying calm. It means not getting entangled with other people’s negative thoughts and negative feelings, anxieties, and fears.”
Quotes on Detachment
Learn more about emotional detachment from these quotes.
“Detachment is not about refusing to feel or not caring or turning away from those you love. Detachment is profoundly honest, grounded firmly in the truth of what is.”
“Detachment doesn’t mean I’m trying less hard. It just means that fears and emotions that used to torment and paralyze me longer have the same power over me.”
“Detachment does not mean non-involvement. You can be deeply involved but not entangled.”
“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.”
“He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.”
“Indifference looks like detachment, but it is not; indifference is simply no interest. Detachment is not the absence of interest. Detachment is absolute interest, tremendous interest, but still with the capacity of non-clinging.”
“Detached action is unselfish work.”
“The true contemplative is one who has discovered the art of finding leisure even in the midst of his work, by working with such a spirit of detachment and recollection that even his work is a prayer.”
“Only in the stillness of detachment can the soul yield up her secrets.”
“Just a little detachment from the ego is needed.”
“Your heart must become a sea of love. Your mind must become a river of detachment.”
“Detachment is not giving up the things in this world, but accepting the fact and to be continuously aware that nothing is permanent.”
“Detachment is the beginning of mastery.”
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More Emotional Detachment Quotes
“True detachment isn’t separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.”
“Enjoy the moment while it is there, and when the moment starts disappearing, as everything is bound to disappear, let it go. That is detachment.”
“The essence of the Way is detachment.”
“There is nothing harder to come by than detachment and solitude, and nothing more important.”
“Remain in the world, act in the world, do whatsoever is needful, and yet remain transcendental, aloof, detached, a lotus flower in the pond.”
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.”
“Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires.”
“The state free from thoughts is the only real state.”
“Your thoughts come and go like clouds. Don’t get attached to them.”
“Letting go and focusing on the now free your mind, clear your consciousness, and expand the limits of your awareness.”
“Overthinking leads to doubts, fears and lack of mental freedom.”
“Becoming involved with other people’s stress and anxieties does not help them, but it can harm you.”
“Always avoid getting entangled with the fears of other people, their doubts, and their anxieties.”
“The more poised you are, the more free you become.”
“The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress.”
Emotional Detachment Quotes
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