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Quotes About Success and on Being Successful

Success Quotes

Success quotes can inspire you to take action, see life from a different perspective, and change priorities.

Do you wish to become successful? I believe you do. Everyone wants to be successful. I am not talking about being successful only with money, career, and position. I am talking about being successful in all aspects of life.

You can be successful in business and money, but you can also be successful in love relationships, school and college, sports, health, personal growth, and meditation.

Here is a collection of quotes about success and being successful. If you like them, please share them while mentioning the address of this page and the author’s name – Remez Sasson.

Quotes About Success and on Being Successful

Success quotes can inspire and motivate you to achieve your dreams.

“When the mind thinks of success, the outside world mirrors these thoughts.”

“Success and being successful is the outcome of positive thinking, visualization, planning, acting, and persevering.”

“What you think today is what you live tomorrow.”

“Your mind is the generator of failure and also the generator of success.”

“Happy thoughts make your life happy. Miserable thoughts make your life miserable. Be careful of what you think.”

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“The image you have of yourself, and which you broadcast to the world around you, is responsible for the way people see you and treat you.”

“Choose your thoughts carefully; they are the workers that are building your life.”

“Success manifests not only when you accomplish great ambitions, but also in the small events and activities of daily life.”

“The mental movie in your mind is the cause of everything that happens to you.”

“Nurturing a feeling of success attracts it into your life.”

“Nothing can stand in the way of absolute belief and confidence.”

“Your inner world controls your outer world. Learn to improve your inner world, and your outer world would be affected too.”

“Being successful in small matters will give you the confidence to attempt to do bigger things.”

“The mental movie that you play in your mind is the life that you will live tomorrow.”

“When you rehearse failure in your mind, you meet failure.”

Quotes About Becoming Successful

Success quotes that talk about accomplishing dreams and goals.

“When you rehearse success in your mind, you experience success in your life.”

“Thoughts fueled by desire and motivation make things happen.”

“What you get in life is determined by the scope of your thinking. Big thoughts lead to big accomplishments. Small thoughts lead to minor accomplishments.”

“Success is not only more money, promotion, and social status. It is also more happiness, harmonious relationships, and spiritual growth.”

“Change the mental movie that you keep viewing in your mind to one that you like. Keep playing it in your mind, and before you know it, the movie turns into reality.”

“Do not undervalue the importance of success in small matters. It proves to you that with persistence, greater success is possible too.”

“Play a movie of success in the projection room of your mind, and soon, this movie will turn into reality.”

Do you know what is the definition of success?

“Your mental movie is the trailer of your future.”

Powerful Success Quotes

“Your thoughts and mental images create your circumstances. Master your thoughts and mental images, and you will gain power over your circumstances.”

“Success also manifests as peace of mind, happiness, satisfaction, inner strength, and spiritual enlightenment.”

“Attaining good health, love, good relationships, promotion, status, money and possessions, and realizing desires and ambitions is a material success.”

“Your outer circumstances are the mirror of your inner world. Change your inner world, and you change your outer world.”

“Ambition is the fuel that feeds your thoughts, visualization, and actions.”

“Willpower, persistence, patience, and work bring your desires into manifestation.”

“Visualize your goals clearly, add desire and faith, and you will surely achieve them.”

“Frequent reading of quotes inspires you to take action and make the quote real in your life.”

“Reading a quote about being successful awakens the motivation and desire to take that required actions to become successful.”

“Success is growth, development, improvement and getting better.”

“Everyone has bigger and smaller goals. Visualization and affirmations make them easier and faster to achieve.”

Quotes of Success

“Focusing your mind on success, and filling your consciousness, your awareness, with the feeling of success, make things start happening.”

“Whatever it is that you desire to bring about, try to feel as if you already own it and that it has already happened.”

“To keep up the motivation, energy, and ambition, you need to read quotes about being successful several times a day, every day.”

“Think often about what you want to accomplish and how it is going to upgrade your life until there is no place for doubts and thoughts about failure in your mind.”

“Aim to grow in positivity, harmony, good relations, and love in your life. This attitude will make your life happier and more prosperous.”

“Feed your mind with prosperity thoughts, and gradually, the plant of prosperity will grow in your life.”

“Success quotes to the mind are like food is for the body.”

Read our collection of success inspirational quotes.

Concluding Words

In conclusion, quotes about success hold immense meaning and value. They inspire, guide, and empower us to strive for greatness.

By absorbing the wisdom of those who have achieved success, we can apply their lessons to our lives. In this way, we increase our chances of reaching our goals and fulfilling our potential.

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