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William Walker Atkinson Quotes on Mind Power

William Walker Atkinson Quotes

William Walker Atkinson quotes offer profound insights into the power of thought and mental mastery. His teachings inspire self-discipline, focus, and the harnessing of the mind’s potential for success.

Atkinson was a prolific writer who was well known for his books on the power of the mind. Though his books were written in the early years of the twentieth century, they are still popular today.

William Walker Atkinson Quotes on the Power of the Mind

“One draws to himself thought waves corresponding in character with the nature of the prevailing thoughts in his own mind – his mental attitude. Then again he begins to set in motion the great Law of Attraction, whereby he draws to him others likely to help him, and is, in turn, attracted to others who can aid him.”

“Thought is a force – a manifestation of energy – having a magnet-like power of attraction.”

“The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones.”

“The presence of an active, energetic, successful man, or set of men, in a place, will permeate the place with positive vibrations that will stimulate all who abide there.”

“If you are not satisfied with what is coming to you, start to work and change your mental attitude and mental states, and you will see a change gradually setting in.”

“The best workmen, writers, inventors, composers, etc., are those who are able “to see the thing in the mind”, and then reproduce it in materialized form.”

“The use of the Will as the projector of Mentative Currents is the real base of all Mental Magic.”

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William Walker Atkinson Quotes to Boost the Power of the Mind

Quotes on the power of the mind and on strengthening it.

“The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease-unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines.”

“A mental image gives you a framework upon which to work. It is like the drawing of the architect, or the map of the explorer. Think over this for a few moments until you get the idea firmly fixed in your mind.”

“Impressions upon brain cells become deepened by constant practice.”

“Many a person has changed his whole physical and mental condition by a careful, persistent course of auto-suggestion.”

“The lives of all of us have been moulded largely by induction through suggestion.”

“The secret of visualization lies in the occult and psychological principle that, as is the mental matrix, so is the mental form; and as is the mental form, so is the physical materialization”.

Famous William Walker Atkinson Quotes

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”.

“Put forth the necessary concentrated effort and you will be wonderfully helped from sources unknown to you.”.

“The essence of genius is to present an old thing in new ways, whether it be some force in nature or some aspect of humanity.”.

“Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end.”.

Imagination is the first step in creation whether in words or trifles. The mental pattern must always precede the material form.”.

“Strong expectancy is a powerful magnet. He of the strong, confident desire attracts to him the things best calculated to aid him.”.

“The secret of success is to try always to improve yourself no matter where you are or what your position. Learn all you can. Don’t see how little you can do, but how much you can do.”.

Quotes by William Walker Atkinson on the Power Within You

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

“The person that is able to concentrate utilizes all constructive thoughts and shuts out all destructive ones.”

“Thought is a force, a manifestation of energy having a magnet-like power of attraction.”

“If you want to use your full amount of steam, you must close your valves and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one end. Center your mind on one purpose, one plan, one transaction.”

“Go on in courage and confidence, keeping your face toward the East, from whence comes the rising Sun.”

“If you want to use your full amount of steam, you must close your valves and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one end. Center your mind on one purpose, one plan, one transaction.”

Concluding Words About the Quotes of William Walker Atkinson

William Walker Atkinson quotes provide timeless wisdom on harnessing the power of the mind to shape one’s reality. His emphasis on mental focus, self-discipline, and positive thinking serves as a guide for personal development and inner mastery.

Through his teachings, he empowers us to take control of our thoughts and actions, ultimately leading to success and fulfillment.

The insights of William Walker Atkinson remind us of the profound connection between mindset and life outcomes. By applying his principles of mental discipline and concentration, anyone can unlock their potential and achieve their goals.

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