There are many authors who write about the importance of setting goals. This raises the question: What if you don’t want anything in particular and are fully satisfied with your life as it is? Would you still like a goal?
This is a legitimate question to ask since most people have small goals. Most people would be satisfied if they had enough money for their basic needs and just a little more. They would also be satisfied if they liked and were happy with their job.
A great number of people dream about great success, but they do not set goals and do not try to achieve them.
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Some people have grand ambitions and want to accomplish big goals, and others don’t have any goals, and that’s okay.
The truth is that life is always goal-oriented, even if we think we have no goals. These goals might be small and simple, but they are goals.
Even if you don’t want anything and are satisfied with your life as it is, you are probably pursuing a few goals. These could be very simple goals, which most people would not consider goals, such as going to see a movie, planning a birthday party, improving your grades at school, baking a cake, or learning to swim.
You set these goals and make the effort to accomplish them, even though they are not on a major scale.
There are also bigger goals, such as finding a better job, owning your own house, or finding a good paying job.
Other, bigger goals could be making money or building a business. Some want to become a successful movie star, own a chain store or a factory, or become president or prime minister.
Most people do not aim at these big goals but might daydream about them. However, they rarely do anything to achieve them.
No matter how small your goal is, it is always wiser to make smart goal setting.
What Is Smart Goal Setting?
It means thinking and planning before acting and taking a few smart steps.
You need to consider whether you really want a certain goal and whether you are willing to devote time and energy to achieving it. It is not wise to start something and then stop. It is a waste of time and energy and could be frustrating.
You need to be smart and wise and use common sense when setting goals, even if they are simple and small.
Related: Why is it important to set goals.
Smart Goal Setting Steps
How to make smart goal setting? Here are a few tips to help you smartly set goals.
1. Make priorities
Think whether it is the right thing to do now. Maybe there is something more important or more pressing to do. It won’t be wise to start one thing only to quit because you discover that it is not the right thing to do now.
Making your priorities eliminates unnecessary stress, distractions, and waste of time.
2. Think before taking action
Specify what you want to achieve. Go into detail. Consider the pros and cons of achieving your goals. This will save you time, money, and effort.
Enthusiasm is important, but so are common sense, wise thinking, and wise planning.
3. Think what benefits you would get upon achieving your goal
Would setting specific goals and working on achieving them benefit you? Is it worth your effort and time?
Big goals require deep thinking before taking the first step. Small goals also need, at least, thinking before taking action.
For example, would studying a foreign language be useful? Would you use it?
You wish to bake a cake, do you need the calories?
If you want to get tickets for a certain show, ask yourself whether you really want to see it.
4. Specify what actions to take
Think about the steps you need to take. It is a good idea to write down these steps. This will force you to be more specific and clarify the steps. Clarity is essential.
Is the goal too big or complicated? Does it take too much time to accomplish? In this case, divide your goal into smaller, easier-to-accomplish goals. Tackle each one before moving on to the next one.
5. Be realistic, but go one step further
Make your goal a little more exciting and worthwhile. How do you do that? Don’t be afraid to think a little bigger and invest more time and effort. This attitude will teach you to think a little bigger and, therefore, accomplish bigger things, even if only on a small scale.
For example, if you intend to buy a pair of trousers, buy one made of better stuff. Baking a cake? Strive to make it look and taste better. Planning on taking your spouse to a movie? Include dinner before or after the movie.
This holds true for bigger goals, too. Think bigger, and make your goal a little bigger, too.
Smart goal setting is important
Smart goal setting means choosing goals that you really want to achieve. It also means planning, thinking, and acting wisely and with common sense. Always try to make a wise choice.
Read articles about making choices, learn how successful people plan their goals, and seek advice when you need it.