We will be honest: nearly anyone is capable of writing a novel so long as they have an idea. But there is a big difference between writing a novel, writing a successful novel, and succeeding personally while doing so.
We will explore how creative writing can change how you think about success and what it takes to get there.
Being Open Minded
Let’s discuss what many people call the two mindsets: A fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
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The fixed mindset focuses on using the talents you have to be the best at a few things but also narrowly assumes that you are only good at a few things and generally discourages straying away from what you are good at.
The growth mindset acknowledges that you have the ability to develop more talents, though it will require lots of work and acceptance of feedback, which can be challenging for some.
A well-thought-out creative writing process truly flexes the growth mindset. Why? In order to become successful in creative writing, you are going to need to accept some feedback, some of which you aren’t going to like.
No, you don’t have to act on every piece of constructive or harsh criticism, but you should take some of the coaching you receive seriously in an effort to improve yourself.
If you want to start a career as a writer, you should also be well prepared for rejection, which is definitely a strong form of constructive feedback.
While rejection feels harsh, everyone gets rejected sometimes, and your attitude should be to keep moving forward. Maybe you need to change your style, or the timing isn’t quite right, or you are reaching out to the wrong publishers.
Stop Being Perfect
One issue with the fixed mindset is that people who try to perfect one or two skills want those skills to be so refined that they focus all their time and energy on certain ideas while ignoring other issues.
We have some realistic news for you: There is no perfect writing that will not draw criticism, and that will sell millions of copies of a novel in a short time.
You can try to build up your ability to create an outline for your novel, do in-depth character development, network with publishers, and garner interest in what you are doing – you don’t have to be amazing at all of it right away.
You’ll need to exercise patience when developing the Swiss army knife of tools you’ll want to employ when becoming a successful creative writer – one of which is knowing when to ask for guidance and help!
Your readers and publishers aren’t asking for perfection! Publishers may ask you to adapt to what they think your target audience will want to read, but that doesn’t mean their requests will be exactly what you need to have outstanding success.
Another major issue with the concept of perfection is that you’ll stop pushing yourself. The minds of your readers and publishers can and will change. If you think that what you were doing three years ago needs no refinement or improvement, you’ll find yourself further challenged to keep up with what the writing market demands, and you’ll fall behind.
Redefine Success
Success comes in different forms. Some authors believe they are successful simply because they are making money from writing while developing a skill set to continue doing that.
Some authors also don’t care as much about making money but love the ability to write about ideas they find interesting and engage with other writers and readers constantly.
The growth mindset puts you in a position to define success and be happy about it, even if it’s hard.
We find that it’s so much easier to really enjoy what you are doing when you are steadily improving through feedback instead of closing yourself off to thoughts of criticism. This isn’t just about writing – it’s about your whole life!
Learning to Persevere
We know that becoming a successful writer is difficult. From starting your novel outline to character development and creating a complete, interesting story, you’ll encounter unexpected setbacks.
Writing will be hard every single time. Instead of having a negative mindset through it all, be grateful for the opportunity to flex your creative muscles while developing relationships and giving readers the chance to connect with your characters and world the way you do.
Just Have Fun
A job that isn’t fun or interesting is far more difficult to want to do, right? If you consider creative writing a fun process, you’ll enjoy it far more. Actually, enjoying your work is a major part of the growth mindset.
While growth isn’t fun every single time, it helps you maintain your ability to become a successful writer without the frustrations of the fixed mindset.
Having the right mindset is very important in creative writing and many other careers. Just keeping an open mind can make you happier and more flexible when the process of writing and publishing a novel offers serious challenges.