English is a growing language every day. New words and phrases add more depth and expansion to the language. Hence, it becomes confusing for non-native English speakers to gain proficiency in the language. Consequently, you find the solution in novels.
That way, you can improve your English proficiency, learn new words, and improve your vocabulary. Furthermore, novels will improve your imagination, tell you about local culture, and enhance your reading and writing skills.
Therefore, in the next part, we will talk about the great novels that will improve your English vocabulary. That way, you will write high-quality essays and become the next-gen essayist. Kindly shift your attention to the next part.
Great Novels to Improve Your Essay Writing
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Novels are the home of words and phrases, which one can take and use in speaking and writing. It will help them improve their writing and enable native speakers to submit high-quality essays such as college assignments. Hence, many English teachers ask students to read novels to expand their English vocabulary and write high-quality content.
Here are a few great novels to improve your essay writing:
Novel 1: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
One of the starters for non-native English learners is The Old Man and the Sea. It is a classic book where you can engage with Hemingway’s writing style. Hence, you can read a realist view of the world and write sentences.
That way, you will learn how to write with minimum words and stick to the point in the writing. Also, you will learn new words as the Cuban fisherman fights hard to catch a giant marlin.
Reading his writings helps you understand the need for direct writing. This will help you write better and stick to thoughts and facts. You can convey anxiety, alienation, and despair, which is critical for a narrative essay.
Consequently, you can write with great valor and express your feelings in the paper.
Novel 2: Animal Farm by George Orwell
Another one on the list is Animal Farm by George Orwell. As you grow into English reading, you need to learn the usage of satire in reading and writing. It will help you to add humor to the paper.
Humor is a significant aspect where you use your critical thinking to write about any incident. That way, you can attract a wide range of readers to read your papers thoroughly. Also, you can make more prominent incidents much lighter and easier to read.
Moreover, you can learn the use of symbolism and literary devices, which increase your understanding of English writing. Furthermore, you can expand your writing skills and use metaphors and figures of speech, which are useful tools for writing different essays.
In addition, you can use it to write argumentative and debate essays. That way, you can gain better value in writing.
Novel 3: A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
If you are looking to write a narrative essay, you should try to read A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth.
It is a well-written book about how a bride finds the best groom for herself. Although the theme is boring, the brilliance adds light to it. It becomes a must-read and a lesson for students on how to narrate boring incidents.
As a writer, you should know how to bring life to writing and make it interesting to read for everyone.
Moreover, the book is 1,349 pages long, one of the longest English novels. Yet, you won’t feel bored when you read it.
You learn to use the geographical landscape, letting readers imagine and feel the scene. To write a brilliant narrative essay, you need to blur the lines between abstract and real.
Novel 4: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest books ever written. In it, you will learn about the beauty of words and the usage of the English language. You will also be able to use social commentary in your writing, whether you are writing a narrative or argumentative essay.
Furthermore, the book will teach how to use symbols and metaphors in writing and take your essays to a new level.
You can romanticize things, write tragedies, and assess the situation more deeply. This will add depth to your writing, making your English essay readable for professors. You might even get a chance to publish your papers in magazines and journals.
Novel 5: Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the biggest fiction works ever written. Reading it, you can learn how to use different characters and geographical landscapes to create something magical.
In addition, you will know where to use myth and folklore in the writing. Hence, you can build good writing skills to complete high-quality essays.
Furthermore, you will learn more about new words and phrases, which will help you improve your writing skills. These phrases are vital to improving your essays and making them great fiction writing.
Moreover, it will also improve your creativity and proficiency in the English language. That way, you will become a great writer and essayist in the future.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, the novels mentioned in the above discussion will improve your English vocabulary. Furthermore, you can enhance your reading and writing skills to become the best essayist.
Here are a few frequently asked questions:
Which book should I read to improve my English vocabulary?
The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway is one of the best to improve your English vocabulary.
What should I read for better English?
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Lester Kaufman and Jane Straus is a good place to start improving your English grammar.
Can I improve my English just by reading books?
Daily reading can improve your reading and writing skills.