Many students transitioning to college are excited about enjoying greater freedom and getting the skills they need to succeed in life. However, campus life also comes with numerous stressors like money issues, the pressure to perform academically, and homesickness.
According to a recent survey, close to 49% of college students reported going through moderate to severe psychological stress at some point in their lives.
With the college dropout rate rising to more than 30% over the past decade, it is clear that students need better coping mechanisms. Self-care allows students to reduce stress, avoid burnout, and perform well academically.
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Here are a few tips on remaining healthy and functioning optimally in college:
Create and Follow a Routine
One of the main reasons students get overwhelmed in college by heavy workloads is the lack of structure that typifies life on campus. Students can choose when to attend class, work on assignments, eat meals, and study for exams.
At the same time, there always seem to be many responsibilities demanding students’ attention, especially for those who combine work and academics.
A schedule is simply a plan that lists the activities you should do. The goal of having a schedule is to help you prioritize your tasks and time and achieve your goals.
In other words, a schedule outlines your work and school days and prioritizes what has to be done. A notable benefit of scheduling is that it brings discipline and structure by establishing a predictable routine.
According to evidence, routines improve efficiency and reduce stress associated with performance. With a routine, your decision-making process will be faster and easier.
Scheduling also helps increase productivity as students get to prioritize the most important tasks. It ensures that you can identify those activities that waste your time and become more efficient.
By finishing your work earlier than expected, you create room for other things like hobbies and socializing.
This structure will lower your stress levels and help you feel more focused and productive. Don’t panic if you have an urgent assignment and feel you may not make the deadline. You can go online and approach a ghostwriting specialist with a request that says, “Please, do my essay for me.”
Prioritize Quality Sleep
A recent survey shows that more than half of college students are getting less than the recommended seven hours of sleep each night, with serious implications, according to established evidence.
Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to symptoms similar to depression. Lack of sleep also impedes your focus during the day, making it hard to concentrate during lectures or when working on projects.
For most students, the pace of modern life barely offers time to stop and rest. All the assignments and responsibilities can make you feel that it is impossible to get a good night’s sleep regularly.
However, enough evidence shows that quality sleep is as important for your health as exercise and diet. According to the findings, good sleep enhances mood, focus, health, and brain performance.
Understand that there is much more to sleep than the hours you spend in bed. There are three crucial elements to consider: how much sleep you get, the quality of your sleep, and the consistency of your sleep schedule.
For instance, people who stay up all night working or studying can make it hard for them to fall and stay asleep.
Having a sleep routine is crucial for your health and well-being. Avoid blue light from electronics and drink caffeine close to bedtime. Also, getting an online college essay service could be useful when you feel that urgent assignments may keep you awake at night.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is essential not only for students but for older adults as well. According to studies, exercise and a healthy diet help with weight management.
With so many college students struggling with obesity and weight-associated illnesses, being physically active is crucial for your well-being. Exercise also helps your immune system and allows you to stay in shape.
According to the United States Department of Health, students need to exercise for at least three hours each week, about thirty minutes daily. Not only does this allow you to remain energetic and physically fit, but it also has numerous proven health benefits.
Research evidence shows that exercise improves your functional capacity and will make you happier. It also augments your immune system and lowers your risk of anxiety and depression.
Understand that you don’t have to partake in strenuous and exhausting to be effective. According to studies, consistency is the crucial element of successful exercise.
Simple routines like evening walks around campus, or bike rides can improve your health and well-being as a college student. Most importantly, pick an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.
Eat Healthy Meals
What you eat as a college student affects your health, mental well-being, and academic performance. According to surveys, more than 36% of college students are overweight or obese, pointing to a serious problem with nutrition and physical activity in our colleges.
A balanced diet comprising fruits and vegetables and the required nutrients in healthy portions is crucial for weight management.
Evidence also shows that eating healthy meals will help you think more clearly and enhance your attention span during lectures or when working on tasks.
At the same time, consuming processed foods can cause inflammation, which in turn may contribute to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Watch what you eat, and prioritize healthy meal options to give you the energy you need to keep up with the stressful college life.
Living healthy in college requires deliberate effort and effective time management.
Students need to exercise regularly, get quality sleep, and eat healthy meals. They should also work on their time management skills and follow schedules to avoid stress. Drink lots of water and consider practicing mindfulness and meditation.
Most importantly, clean up after yourself and remain organized at all times. Focus on building social support systems and know when it is time to seek the help of a professional.