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How to Detach from Someone Who Distresses You to Avoid Stress

How to Detach Yourself

Do you sometimes wonder how to detach from someone who makes you feel distressed and uncomfortable?

Do you wish you knew how to detach from someone who makes you feel bad, mentally and emotionally?

How to deal with stressful relationship issues?

We often have to deal with people who cause us stress and strain. These could be strangers, but they can also be family and close people whom we love.

Attachment to people that create stress in your life is not good for your physical, emotional, and mental health.

There are people, who only speak about their troubles and problems, and suck the energy of the people around them. They are often focused on themselves and are not really interested in other people. It is tiring and exhausting to be around such people.

These people could be your coworkers, neighbors, friends, or family, and also a romantic relationship.

If you feel stressed, exhausted, and unhappy, deciding to detach could be a wise decision.

The best thing for you to do, if this is possible, is to keep a distance from them. In certain cases, it would be right to detach from a relationship that causes pain.

You would feel better if you detach yourself from those that create stress, distress, and anxiety and who suck your energy and make you feel exhausted.

What Does Attachment Do to You?

Too much attachment makes you vulnerable to other people’s moods and state of mind. If these people are positive, the relationship would be a happy one, but if they are negative and the complaining type, there might be problems for you.

When you are too emotionally attached to people you trust but who are focused on themselves, there might be emotional abuse, and there might be a toxic relationship.

In these instances, you need to learn how to keep a distance emotionally.

The cons of too Much Attachment:

  1. Too much attachment to negative people leaves the door open for their worries, anxieties, fears and complaints to enter your mind and affect you adversely.
  2. Allowing other people’s worries, anxieties, fears and problems to affect how you think and feel.
  3. Letting people’s thoughts and emotions to soak into your subconscious mind and affect you.
  4. Allowing negativity, distress and bad feelings into your life.
  5. Losing your emotional and mental freedom.
  6. Worrying too much about matters that do not concern you.
  7. Allowing people to manipulate you emotionally and mentally.
  8. The more you are attached to someone, the more worried you will get about losing him or her. You might call this kind of behavior love, but it is not love, it is attachment, fear, and lack of independence.

Detach Yourself from People Who Make You Feel Stressed

How to detach from someone who makes you feel bad and unhappy? There is often a bond, which we are afraid to break. But if the relationship is toxic it might hurt us.

You might be attached to your job, career, and the people close to you. However, this attachment is often against your best interests, and at times, might hurt you.

You need to strive to be less attached to anything that causes you pain and unhappiness.

When in the company of stressful people that make you feel stressed, emotionally agitated and unhappy, just leave and go away.

  • What should you do if you cannot just leave and go away?
  • What to do if you cannot leave your job or keep away from certain people?
  • If you have no choice, but to continue being around them these people, what can you do?

Sometimes, the people closest you are the ones you disturb your inner peace.

In these situations, you need to learn to display a certain degree of emotional detachment.

What Is Emotional Detachment and Why You Need It

  • Emotional detachment does not mean giving up.
  • Detaching yourself from people does not mean giving up on them.
  • The act of detaching yourself from someone does not mean breaking communication, stop caring, and becoming inconsiderate.

Detaching yourself from someone, means protecting your mental and emotional health. It means staying calm and poised, and not allowing negative thoughts and feelings to affect your state of mind, attitude or actions.

You can be loving and considerate, and yet detach yourself from the negative emotions and negative thoughts that someone projects.

The detachment process does not mean ending relations, giving up goals, or abstaining from the things you love to do.

Emotional detachment makes it possible to remain calm and poised in stressful situations. It enables you to avoid stress, worries, and anxieties, yours, and other people’s.

With this skill, you do not allow other people to agitate your mind and emotions.

Attachment and detachment apply not just to people, but also to things and possessions. Enjoy what you have, be grateful for what you have, but if you lose anything or something breaks down, stay calm and move on. This is detachment.

Feeling okay if you lose something, and going on with your life, saves you a lot of heartache, pain and unhappiness.

Detach yourself from whatever is creating stress and unhappiness in your life. This will make you feel free, light and happy.

Attachment makes you feel weak, helpless and worried. Detachment makes you feel strong, confident, invulnerable and happy.

How to Detach Yourself from Someone Who Creates Stress

How to emotionally detach from someone who gives you pain, and who makes you feel stressed and unhappy?

What to do to detach from someone who is not nice and kind to you, and who insults you or does not appreciate you?

How to disassociate yourself from someone who agitates your mind and feelings in a negative way?

Here are a few simple suggestions:

1. Find a few minutes every day to think about the bad effect stressful people have on you.

2. Think what the words people say and their emotions are doing to you. Pay attention to how they affect your mind, emotions and behavior. If you are not satisfied with the situation, you need to do something about it.

3. Imagine how you would feel if you could stay calm and poised, not affected by the stress, anxiety and strain they are causing you.

4. Think and plan what you can do to avoid being emotionally affected by stressful people. Maybe you can stay away from them, not listen to their words, or change the conversation.

5. When in stressful situations, take a few deep breaths, and when possible, drink a class of water.

6. Thinking about something pleasant and funny is another important step. It diverts your attention away from the person causing the stress.

7. Avoid spending time with people you are stressful and restless.

Anything that can make you feel emotionally calm is welcome.

As you see, the process of detachment is not difficult. Pay attention to each step, no matter how simple it is.

More Information about Detachment

If you wish to learn more about the benefits of detachment, and how it can make your life happier and calmer, I recommend that you read my book Emotional Detachment for Happier Life. In this book, I have fully explained how to develop this skill and emotionally detach from negative feelings and thoughts.

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You can also find information about this topic, and about how to detach yourself from someone who creates stress and emotional agitation for you in the following articles:

What is Positive Emotional Detachment – Definition and Meaning

What Are the Benefits of Emotional Detachment?

Emotional Detachment Can Improve Your Life

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