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When Is the Best Time to Meditate?

Best Time to Meditate

People who start meditating often ask, “What is the best time of the day to meditate?” The short answer is now. Now is the best time to meditate.

Any time of the day or night, morning, noon, or evening, is suitable for meditation. If you are earnest about meditation, do not wait for the ideal time to meditate. There is no such thing.

Just decide about a convenient time and find a quiet space.

However, there are certain times of the day that are more comfortable for meditation. If you can arrange them, that’s good, and if you can’t, that’s okay; you will still progress.

After gaining some experience and a certain measure of mental focus and the ability to calm the mind, you will feel completely able to meditate at any time and place.

The Best Time to Meditate Is Now

I want to repeat the answer to the question, “When is the best time to meditate?” It is NOW and at any other time. All you need is to be alone and undisturbed.

Meditate at any time you wish. As said earlier, now is the best time to meditate.

However, as a beginner, you might find it easier to meditate at a particular time of the day.

If you can choose the time, choose a time of the day that is most comfortable for you. However, if none of the times mentioned here are suitable, any other time is okay.

It is important to remember that you need to:

  1. Love the time you devote to practicing meditation.
  2. Consider meditation as a useful practice.
  3. Find a time and place to be alone and undisturbed.
  4. Relax your body before you begin.
  5. Relax your mind, and try to avoid following the thoughts that pop up in your mind.

When Is the Best Time to Meditate?

When is the best time to meditate, in the morning, evening, or night? Some ask whether to practice meditation at lunch break.

Any time of the day when you are alone in a quiet place is a good time for meditation. However, you might find it easier or more comfortable to meditate, especially as a beginner:

  • In the morning
  • In the evening
  • At night, before going to bed (less recommended)

I wouldn’t recommend meditation during lunch break. This is the time to eat, and after eating, the body and mind need rest, not meditation.

Let’s examine each part of the day for the best meditation time.

The Best Time to Meditate Is Early in the Morning

Morning meditation, after getting up from bed but before eating breakfast, is a good practice, as it sets the mood for the day.

Meditating in the morning will set a mood of calmness for the whole day.

This hour of the day provides numerous significant benefits.

Benefits of Morning Meditation

1. The mind is quieter in the morning than it is at other times of the day

When you wake up in the morning, your mind is quieter than at other times of the day, and therefore, there will be fewer obstacles to focus the mind and experience inner silence and peace.

In the morning, the mind has not yet gotten into the hustle and bustle of daily life and is not yet occupied with tasks, problems, or work.

2. It is quiet in the morning

The early hours of the day are usually quieter. There are fewer cars on the street and fewer people out, so there are fewer noises to distract the attention.

3. There are more positive energies in the morning

There are usually more positive energies in the morning, in the atmosphere around you, and in you. This makes it easier to quiet the mind.

4. The air is cleaner

The air is cleaner and fresher in the morning before it becomes polluted with smoke, soot, and negative thoughts. This is important if you choose to meditate outside.

5. There are fewer disturbances in the morning

Meditation, at least initially, requires silence and as few disturbances and distractions as possible.

Early morning, before your family wakes up, is a good time for meditation because you can be alone and undisturbed.

6. You start the day with a calm state of mind

Meditating in the morning gives you calmness and peace, which you will carry with you during the day, at least in the first few hours of the day. You will also have a pleasant feeling for the rest of the day, knowing that you have already done something good for yourself today.

Evening Meditation

Practicing meditation in the evening would be highly beneficial if you intend to practice meditation just to relax.

Mediation is relaxing. It takes out the stress from your mind and body; as such, it is great to practice in the evening to relieve you of the stress and tension of the day.

However, if you wish to soothe your mind, improve your focus, and use meditation to expand awareness and reach a higher level of awareness and consciousness, the evening time might not as suitable as the morning.

After work, the mind and the body are tired, and you might find it challenging to focus and free the mind from thoughts. However, if you do not find any other suitable free time, the evening would be ideal for you.

Meditation at Night Before Going to Bed

Meditating at night, just before going to bed or after entering your bed, could be a good idea if you also meditate once more during the day.

The night is not recommended as the primary time for meditation since you will probably be tired and fall asleep. Meditation requires wakefulness, alertness, and focus, and at night, before falling asleep, these might be missing.

However, this could improve your sleep, and you will wake up calmer and refreshed in the morning.

Remember, regular meditation practice is important if you wish to get results.

If you are earnest about meditation, do not wait for the appropriate and perfect time and conditions. Start meditating whenever you can. Any time is the best time to meditate.

Online Meditation Course

So what is the best time to meditate? Try various time of the day. That’s the way to know what is the best time of meditation for you.

There are many meditation types and techniques. We have discussed several of these meditation techniques in one of our articles.

More information and articles on meditation

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