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Meditation Articles and Guidance from Our Blog

Meditation Articles and Guidance

A selection of articles on meditation from our blog, with advice, guidance, tips, and information.

We have selected a few of the many articles on meditation on our blog. We are sure you will find them interesting and useful.

Meditation is a technique for relaxing the body, calming down the restlessness of the mind, releasing stress, and stopping worrying.

In its higher forms, it leads to inner peace, higher awareness, and to spiritual awakening.

Research shows that meditation can reduce anxiety, stress, and blood pressure and bestows various health benefits. Meditation training calms down the restlessness of mind, body, thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness meditation, mindfulness training, transcendental meditation, and other types of meditation create more or less the same positive effects of meditation.

Any form of meditation program you choose has to be practiced correctly if you wish to gain results.

In the meditation articles mentioned below, you will find guidance and advice about meditation, articles about meditation and its benefits, and various meditation techniques.

“Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation, it gains strength.” – Ramana Maharshi

“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place.” – Bhagavad Gita

Articles on Meditation and on How to Meditate

Here is a selection of top meditation articles from our blog:

What Is Meditation – Meaning and Explanations
What is meditation? It is a technique for relaxing the body, calming down the restlessness of the mind, releasing stress and stop worrying. In its higher forms, it leads to peace of mind and higher awareness…

7 Meditation Techniques that Will Calm Your Mind
Are you looking for simple, but powerful meditation techniques? Here you will find several meditation techniques suitable both for beginners and for more advanced level. Meditation is one of the best ways to…

Useful Meditation Tips, Guidance and Advice
Meditation is much more than just a technique for relaxing the body, as some people think. In its higher forms, it leads to inner peace and happiness, and to spiritual awakening and enlightenment…

The Benefits of Meditation – Physical, Emotional and Mental
Practicing meditation confers many benefits and improves one’s life in many ways. In this post, I would like to mention a few of the benefits, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual…

What Is the Best Time to Meditate
Any time of the day or night, morning, noon, or evening is good and suitable for meditation. If you are serious about meditation, do not wait for the appropriate time and conditions. There are no such things…

Meditation Quotes and Sayings to Calm the Mind
Meditation quotes, sayings and words that speak about the importance and benefits of meditation. You can use these quotes as topics for meditation and as guidance for calming your mind. Reading the quotes can bring moments of calmness…

Expanding Consciousness – Getting a Glimpse of Spiritual Awakening
Do you sometimes think beyond your everyday problems, your work, and the people you know? Do you limit your awareness and thoughts to your immediate surroundings only?…

Meditation in Everyday Life – Learn to Watch Your Thoughts
Meditation is not reserved only for people living in an ashram or a cave, or for people whose sole interest is spirituality. Meditation is most useful for the most practical person, and also the most visionary one…

How to Improve Your Meditation – 7 Simple Tips
A great number of people nowadays, meditate regularly, and if you are one of them, you might have wondered what you can do to improve your meditation. As you probably know, many factors can disturb meditation, such as noises…

Meditation Leads to Inner Silence and Inner Peace
People who practice meditation, might at some point experience brief flashes of inner peace. It is a sort of temporary inner silence, tranquility and a sense of bliss…

Meditation and the Spiritual Consciousness beyond the Mind
Regular practice of meditation calms down the restlessness of the mind, and therefore, makes it possible to experience, and become aware something, which is beyond the scope of the mind…

Do You Need a Meditation Teacher to Learn Meditation?
Do you need a teacher to teach you meditation? Do you need someone to guide you, or is it possible to do it on your own? It is understandable to expect someone with experience to guide you, and nowadays is quite easy to find someone with experience…

Meditation Is the Antidote to Stress and WorriesMeditation has always been recognized as the antidote and remedy for stress, worry and fear. It is not a magical medicine, and the results do not show overnight, but they are assured, if you commit yourself to meditate every day…

Practicing Who Am I Meditation
I would like now to suggest a certain kind of meditation that would help you become aware of your real essence, delve within, and discover the “I”, the consciousness beyond the mind…

How to Practice Self-Inquiry Meditation
Consciousness is like a strong bulb of light, hidden by covers upon covers of thoughts, feelings, desires, worries and fears. The purpose of self-inquiry meditation is to remove the covers, and let this bulb of light – this consciousness, shine unhindered…

How to Do Candle Meditation and What Are the Benefits
Candle meditation is a simple meditation technique in which you focus your sight and your attention on the flame of a candle for a certain length of time. The flame of a candle has some mystery in it…

How to Practice Mantra Meditation
What Is a Mantra? First, we need to define what a mantra is, and then explain how to use it. A mantra is a word, sound, or a short phrase that is repeated over and again for the purpose of focusing the mind and calming down its restlessness…

Relaxing Your Mind with Water Meditation
Sitting on the shore of lake, on the beach, or on the bank of a river, and watching the water and the movement of the waves, has a relaxing effect on the mind. This act, clears the mind from unwanted thoughts, and creates a sense of peace…

Why Detachment Is Important for a Successful Meditation
A good meditation requires a focused mind and the ability to ignore all distractions, inner and external. You would not reach far if you allow every thought, sound or physical sensation to distract…

5 Reasons Why Concentration Is Important for Meditation
What happens when you start to meditate? Do you discover after a few minutes that you stopped meditating, and started thinking about something else? This happens, due to lack of concentration…

Life Is Available only in the Present Moment
Meditation can take you a long way toward living in the present moment in your daily life. Meditation is suitable and most useful for everyone, for the most practical person and for the most visionary one…

Online Meditation Course

10 Reasons Why Meditation Reduces Stress and Increases CalmnessYou have most probably heard more than once that meditation reduces stress and increases calmness, but you might have thought that meditation is not for you…

Video for Inner Peace Meditation
Inner Peace Meditation includes beautiful nature scenes, soothing music and affirmations for peace of mind…

More meditation articles.

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